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Vd. Gauri A. Joshi* and Prof. Vd. Kalyani Jadhav


Introduction- Agni samskara plays a major role in manufacturing of ayurvedic drugs. Agni is the one, who destroys cold. It is commonly known as ‘Fire’. Agni samskara leads to laghu, ruksha, ushna, etc. gunas in the drug. In ayurvedic drug manufacturing, Agni samskara should be standardized in order to get standard drugs. Method- For this, ayurveda puts forth different attributes of agni such as- Types of agni, sources of agni, processes which generate agni, different carriers which carry agni, agni samyoga, etc. Result- This study is an attempt to throw light on all the aspects of agni samskara and its importance in drug standardization. This theory should be practically used and all the standard experiments should be documented. Discussion- Hence, standardization of ayurvedic medicines is one of the challenges for ayurveda. For this, each and every aspect of standardization should be studied in details and should be maintained in documentation. One of these aspects is agni samskara. Hence, there is a vast scope in standardizing agni samskara in drug standardization.

Keywords: Agni Samskara, Drug Standardization, Types of Agni, Agni Samyoga.

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