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Santosh Pathare*, Dr. Prafulchandra Tekale and Gauspeer Shaikh


In the today’s modern era, herbal medicines are used for primary health care due to better acceptability by the human body with lower level of side effects in medical treatment. The activity and efficacy shown by many herbal medicines can be measured by sophisticated techniques like HPTLC. The correct botanical identity also helps in regulating the chemical sanctity of the herbs. The present work reports the method of extraction and quantification of Beta-Sitosterol from Sida Acuta. Beta-Sitosterol is found in plant like Sida Acuta commonly known as Bala. The samples of Sida Acuta were extracted by using HPLC grade methanol solvent in Soxhlet apparatus. A solution of concentration 250 mg/ml was prepared for phytochemical analysis of the extract. HPTLC method was used for the quantification of Beta-Sitosterol in the sample. The samples were sonicated for 10 mins dissolution. 1mg/ml Sida Acuta and 0.1mg/ml Beta-Sitosterol samples for the experiment. A total of 10 spots were applied on to the plate using Linomat 5 applicator. The solvent system used was Toluene: Ethyl Acetate: Glacial Acetic Acid (8:2:0.2) was used. The samples were derivatized using Anisaldehyde-Sulphuric Acid Reagent (ASR Reagent) and the plate was scanned at 580nm wavelength. From the standard graph the amount of Beta-Sitosterol present in the sample was calculated.

Keywords: Herbal Medicine, HPTLC, Sida Acuta, ?-Sitosterol.

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