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Dr. M. Srinu Shah K., Dr. Krishna Thorat Kullolli and Dr. Vivekanand Kullolli*


Agnikarma means application of Agni directly or indirectly with the help of different materials to relieve the patient from disease. Agnikarma means treatment with the help of Agni. Sushruta indicated ‘Agnikarma’ in various disorders of skin, muscles, vessels, ligaments joints and bones. The disease which are treated with the help of Agnikarma therapy, do not reoccur. The approach of Agnikarma has been mentioned in the context of diseases like Arsha, Arbuda, Bhagandara, Sira, Snayu, Asthi, Sandhigata Vata Vikara and Gridhrasi. In Agnikarma therapy part or tissue is burned with the help of various special materials called Dahanopakarana like drugs, articles and substance used to produce therapeutic burns (samyakadagdha) during Agnikarma chikitsa. With the advancements of medical science many techniques have been designed for pain management which work on the principle of agnikarma for pain relief e.g. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS), Therapeutic ultrasound, Pulsed electromagnetic Field therapy(PEMF), Interferential Therapy(IFT) Electrical muscle stimulator (EMS) Radiation therapies like Infra-red therapy Diathermy, Electro cautery, Cauterization.

Keywords: Agnikarma, Dagdha, Dahana, Radiations, Cauterization.

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