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Vd. Kudtarkar Hemali Ajit* and Dr. Hingmire N. S.


Introduction: Water is a unique amenity found on earth and pure water is a basic necessity for all animals. Present work is done to study causes and effects of water pollution and its purification measures with reference to ancient and modern Sciences. Aim & Objective: aim is to study water pollution and its purification measures w.r.t ancient and modern science. Material & Method: Ayurvedic texts and Modern textbooks is the material. Methodology is study and compare both techniques. Literature review: this includes definition of pure water, polluted water by ancient and modern point of view. Blemishes of polluted water, diseases caused due to polluted water, and purification methods of polluted water by both ancient and modern point of view. Observation: it gives idea about different methods of purification of water according to different ayurvedic texts and list of chemical components and their safest quantity in drinking water. Discussion: comparison of above information is done here. Conclusion: Though the pollutants were limited in ancient times, some of the purification methods described by Acharyas are still helpful. With the help of these simple techniques purest form of water can be provided to commonest people easily.

Keywords: Water pollution, Jala Pradushana, water purification, Jala Prasadana.

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