Dr. Hardik Kumar*, Dr. Rekha Parmar and Dr. Satej Banne
Ayurveda, the science of life is based on three pillars-hetu, linga and aushada. The two main goals of Ayurveda are – 1. To protect the health of a healthy person. 2. To eradicate the disease.
These two goals will be achieved with the help of dravya. According to Charaka there is no any substance in the world which may not be used as a medicine. The knowledge of dravya is very important, not only in Ahara(food) aspect but also in the Aushadha(drug) aspect because of its panchabhoutikta. If the drug is not known then it can be compare with poision, fire, and thunderbolt. But if anyone knows about it then it acts like a nectar. (Raj nighantu). Dravyaguna Shastra deals with study
of the properties, actions and therapeutic effects of various dravyas (drugs). Dravya is an integral part of Dravyaguna Vijnana. All dravyas (drugs) can be used as remedy as all the dravyas in this universe are having their own properties. There are seven basic aspects considered in this branch viz. Dravya, Rasa, Guna, veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava and Karma. Rasa is the object of gustatory sense organ which is located in tongue. It is not only perception of taste but is an indication of composition, properties and probable action of drug.
Keywords: Tikta, Rasa, Taste, Threshold.
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