Ujwala Chavan*, Ravindra Pandhare, Prashant Baghel and Nilesh Gore
In modern era, Mukhdushika or Yuvanpidika is burning issue in almost 80% adolescent. Prevalence rate of this disease increases day by day due to excessive stress, hormonal imbalance, salty food, junk food, lifestyle also continue and long-term use of oil base cosmetics.[1] In Ayurveda, Mukhdushika means Shalmali kantak (thorn) like eruption on face including symptoms like Vedana (pain), Kandu (itching), Strava (discharge), Ghanata (dense), Vaivarnya (discolouration) due to vitiated Kapha, Vata, Rakta Dhatu.[2] In Ayurveda, Mukhdushika described under Kshudra Roga (minor or less severe diseases).[3] It is symptomatically as well as pathologically resembles like Acne
vulgaris. As vitiation of Kapha Dosha is correlated with excessive secretion of sebum, vitiation of Vata Dosha is resemble with hyper-keratinization and vitiating Rakta Dhatu correlated with inflammatory mediator of blood. Acne vulgaris is formed due to occlusion of pilosebaceous orifice by keratinous plug. There are variety of medicine for acne vulgaris in modern science including various adverse effect such as irritation, photosensitivity, nausea, dry skin, hair loss, teratogenicity, vertebral hyperostosis, etc.[4] In Ayurveda, Mukhdushika is mainly treated under Shodhan Chikitsa (purification of body) and Shamana Chikitsa (conservative treatment).[5] Present case study is considering all symptoms as well as pathology of disease treated by Jalaukavacharana (bloodletting therapy) i.e Shodhana Chikitsa with oral administration of Gandhak Rasayana, Arogyavardhini Vati and Haritaki Churna i.e. Shamana Chikitsa. Along with external application of Lodhra, Manjishtha, Chandana, Sariva on face. There is symptomatic relief in Mukhdushika patient.
Keywords: Mukhdushika, Acne vulgaris, Kshudra roga, Jalaukavacharana.
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