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Vaijayanthimala P.*, Sakthipriya M., Sathya M., Shajudeen R., Subash Chandra boshe, Sangameswaran B.


Objectives: Free radicals are the important role in causing various kinds of diseases. Free radicals neutralized with the help of antioxidants, so the aim of this study is to find out the antioxidant potential of methanol extract of CissusquadrangularisLinn stem (MECQ) and water extract of CissusquadrangularisLinn (AECQ) by in vitro models. Methods: The plant material is collected, authenticated, dried, and grind into powder. The powdered plant material is subjected to successively Soxhlet extraction with a solvent of methanol and water. Both extracts of stems were taken and the extract is subjected to H2O2 assay and Nitric oxide assay by using standardized methods. Results: The results of all the assays proved that the methanol extract of CissusquadrangularisLinn has an antioxidant potential on a dose-dependent manner. The highest percentage of inhibition (86.73%) is recorded at 100 μg/ml of methanol extract by H2O2 method and (91.66%) is recorded in nitrous oxide method, in water extract 100 μg/ml have a (81.26%) of scavenging activity in H202 method (61.26%) activity of nitrous oxide production. The results were compared with the antioxidant activity of standard ascorbic acid. Conclusion: The study proves that the methanol extract of Cissus quadrangularisLinn is a good source of antioxidants, and future medicated world choose this phytochemical constituent rich plant for their drug preparation after the deepness of research. In all the methods the plant leaves has been found to possess the antioxidant activity. which may be the responsible for various therapeutic properties. The current study showing that CissusquadrangularisLinnis having high quantity of phytochemicals and a worthy source of natural antioxidants. Using this kind of herbal medicine we can lead the life with harmless drug for harmful illness.

Keywords: Cissus quadrangularis Linn, Hydrogen peroxide assay and Nitric oxide assay.

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