Dr. Jyoti M. Kumbar*, MS (Ayu) and Dr. Hemant Toshikhane, MS (Ayu), Ph.D
Panchakola consists of Pippali, Pippali moola, Chavya, Chitraka and Nagara. Predominantly it has katu rasa, ushna veerya and is known for its great deepana property. Use of Panchakola in the postnatal period is extensively told by all the acharyas. Panchakola Choorna is meant to have sroto vishodhaka properties by means of laghu, tikshna guna & katu rasa. Hence it eradicates srotolepa & srotorodha by virtue of its Vilayana and Pachana karma. The drugs having the properties of hot, penetrative disintegrates the undigested food residue. Due to dry, light properties they dry up the excessive fluid accumulation. Due to the subtle property these enter deep in to the tissues. Thus Panchakola is a
boon to the puerperal women.
Keywords: Panchakola, Sootika, Postnatal period, involution, lactation.
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