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Dr. Vivek Kumar Mishra* and Dr. Neha Mishra


In cases of infectious diseases and acute problems or emergency cases, there is no doubt about it that allopathy is the best. But, when it comes to lifestyle diseases, ayurveda can actually help in prevention and management. There are three things that Ayurveda focuses on — prevention of lifestyle diseases in an at-risk person, maintaining good health in the healthy people and managing the disease in patients with chronic illnesses. Emphasis is basically given on the prevention rather than treatment. Kala is responsible for the changes in all creations and human is no exception. These changes when occurred in full extent the diseases are manifested. To cope up this problem various type of activities has been described according to time fractions known as charya. Among those dincharya is described in context today means sunrise to sunset. Ayurveda is an absolute science of life-style. An ideal life-style has been described for the health maintenance. This described life-style terminates all the changes which are occurred due to time. For example defecation at proper time clears the rectum and increases digestive power. If it is not be done according to ideal regimen various diseases are manifested related with this region like constipation, incomplete evacuation of bowels, foul smelling flatus, etc.In current era very much stress found everywhere which disturbs the life-style. This results in various types of disorders like obesity, diabetes, CHD, etc. These diseases are result of disturbed and deranged life-style and can only be corrected by intervention through ideal life-style.

Keywords: Life style Diseases, Dincharya, Sadvritta.

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