Vasudha G. Asutkar*, Yashashree V. Joshi and Amit A. Paliwal
„Charakokta Mahakashaya‟(CMK) is a unique way of classifying Dravyas as per their actions. Prajasthapan MK is amongst it. Acharya has defined this action as „that which removes all the abnormalities in body that cause obstacles in process of the conception and sustenance of pregnancy. Out of many disorders of fetus „Garbha srava‟ -Garbhapatha (abortion) are important role. The Ayurveda literature in Charak Samhita describes Garbhopaghatkar Bhava and the partial or total absence of „Garbhakara Bhava‟ for problems in conception or in sustenance of pregnancy.[1] The CMK projects one specific action, which is justified by its 10 Dravyas. In this study the obtained data is
rigorously analyzed with a view of obtaining the pin point evaluation of Prajasthapan Dravya action as a treatment for its obstacles. For this a detail study of Dravya properties i.e Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka, Doshaghnata, action on Dhatus and Rogaghnata, of each of the ingredient Dravyas of Prajasthapan Mahakashaya is done from Dravya Guna literature. Prajasthapan Mahakashaya Dravyas actually execute their focused action through various pathways. These pathways are practically the contrast actions for the obstacles in Prajasthapan actions. Two basic pathways a) Maintenance of healthy status of conception related apparatus (organs-uterus, cervix etc.) b) Maintenance of Rakta „status quo‟. These pathways are further classified with corresponding specific Dravyas. Pin pointing of MK Dravyas, for justifying the Prajasthapan action is done. Thus, the present study emphasizes and logically justifies on literary basis, the Charakacharya‟s notion of covering all the possible obstacles for Prajasthapan through the varied therapeutic actions of its Dravyas.
Keywords: Charakokta Mahakashaya, Prajasthapan, Swalakshana, Dhatu.
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