Dr. Vanishree S. K.*, Dr. Chethana Kumari A. and Dr. Ramesh M.
Conception is an initiation of pregnancy where the egg and sperm cells unite to form a zygote and implant to give rise to a fetus. According to Ayurveda, this depends on various factors such as Ritu Kshetra Ambu Beeja Atma Manas Kaala shadbhavas. The Pancha maha bhootas and Tridoshas play a very important role in the formation of Grabha, their effect makes the garbha have certain good /bad qualities. Vitiation in any one the above factors results in inability to conceive or abnormalities in fetus or ill health to the mother. Pre conceptional care plays a very important role in enhancing the quality of fetus and protection of health of mother. This is where Ayurveda concepts holds
good. Concepts pertaining to shodhana, vayah, Garbhadaana vidhi, ritumati charya, garbhini paricharya, pathya ahara vihara along with Yoga, asana, pranayama, dhyana, vyayama, maanasika swasthya of the couple during conception and mother throughout pregnancy are proved effective. Factors such as Upasamskruta Shareera of the couple after Shodhana, Shuddha dosharahita beeja, Apradushta yoni, Ritu kaala stree, Maithuna dina, muhurta, sthiti, karma, Kaala – external environment, ritu kaala, dosha dominance, Maanasika sthiti of the couple during conception, mother during pregnancy, Jeeva avakramana to garbha, Pathya ahara vihara of mother during pregnancy, Proper garbhini paricharya and rutumati charya, Stress free mind, as stress reduces fertility by reducing blood flow to the pelvis, vyayama, asanas, pranayama are considered for a healthy progeny. Acharya Sushruta explains Paricharya of garbhini giving more stress to the manasika factors such as- garbhini prathama divasaat prabhriti nitya. The do’s and don’t’s to the lady. Avoidance of garbhopaghatakara bhavas, use of Mani mangala dharana,snana to protect mother and fetus. This paper deals in detail about these factors to have a quality baby and healthy mother.
Keywords: Paricharya, Pathya ahara vihara, manasika, stress, pranayama, healthy fetus, mother.
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