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  • WJPPS introducing updated version of OSTS (online submission and tracking system), which have dedicated control panel for both author and reviewer. Using this control panel author can submit manuscript
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  • New Impact Factor
  • WJPPS Impact Factor has been Increased to 8.025 for Year 2024.

  • SEPTEMBER 2024 Issue has been successfully launched on 1 SEPTEMBER 2024.

  • ICV
  • WJPPS Rank with Index Copernicus Value 84.65 due to high reputation at International Level

  • Scope Indexed
  • WJPPS is indexed in Scope Database based on the recommendation of the Content Selection Committee (CSC).



Divya Kajaria*


Diabetes emerges as havoc in 21st century affecting adversely the quality of life where morbidity is much devastating than mortality. Developing countries like India that are accommodating western life style are worst affected. This situation evokes a genuine concern for all health sectors to search an effective remedy to combat this disease. Diabetes as commonly known is a hyperglycemic condition and its management is thereby targeted to control blood glucose level which is also a diagnostic tool as well as parameter for depicting severity of the disease. This glycemic control oriented approach is well practiced and many hypoglycemic drugs are available in market but still we are mile away from the successful management. This emphasize that some link is missing in planning management. This review article explore the concept of synchronize effect of liver and thyroid on insulin resistance and consequentially hyperglycemia in diabetes.

Keywords: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Insulin resistance, B cell dysfunction, Lipid metabolism.

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