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Maheen Tabassum, P. Sravani*, J. Hindu, K. Rajeshwar Dutt, Farha Nazneen, K. Ramya


Floating systems were used to prolong the gastric residence time of drug delivery systems. They remain buoyant in the stomach for prolonged period of time without affecting the gastric emptying rate of other contents. In the present investigation, for the formulation of floating tablets of diltiazem were prepared by wet granulation technique. HPMC K4 M and ethyl cellulose is used as a matrix forming agent. Other excipients like sodium bicarbonate and citric acid as gas generating agents, PVP K 30 as binder, microcrystalline cellulose (Diluent) and Magnesium stearate as a lubricant. The drug and polymers granules are subjected to various preformulation studies such as Angle of repose, Bulk density, Tapped density, Compressibility Index, Hausner ratio. The tablets were compressed using the tablet punching machine. Prepared tablets were subject to various evaluation parameters such as Thickness, Hardness, Weight variation, Friability, Disintegration, Buoyancy study and In-vitro drug release study, Kinetic Parameters as per ICH guidelines. Results of floating properties study reveals that all tablets had good floating properties. This might be due to the presence of gas generating agent i.e., NaHCO3, content. F5 showed a minimum lag time of 1.49 min and maximum floating time of more than 12 hrs with maximum % drug release 98.87±0.23.

Keywords: Diltiazem, Buoyancy.

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