*Dr. Parveen Sharma, Dr. Abhinandan Muke and Dr. Anand More
Acharya Nagarjuna has explained that, in Vata Dosha Prakopa Jihva becomes Sheeta, Khara & Sphutita. In Pitta Dosha Prakopa Jihva become Rakta & Shyam Varna, in Kapha Dosha Prakopa it become Shweta & Pichhila. In Sanipataj Dosha Jihva become Krishna, Sakantak, Shushka & mixed Lakshana of all Dosha are found. In Ayurved Jihva Pariksha has been given important place in examination of patients We may get various changes in Jihva during the examination like colour of Jihva changes in different diseases, here I
tried to study only the changes that occur in Jihva in Atisara patients. In modern times we can correlate the symptoms of Atisara with diarrhea. Electrolytes are chemicals in the body that regulates important physiological functions & it includes sodium, chloride, magnesium, calcium & potassium. So here we are going to study the serum electrolyte level in Atisara which will help us to interpret the changes in Jihva Parikshana. Discussiom and Conclusion:- In this observational type of study, total 60 patients suffering from Atisara were observed. Mainly the Rasa Dhatu & Purishvaha, Annavaha, Udakvaha Srotas Dusti were seen. So it is observed that in Atisara Vyadhi, due to fluid or electrolyte imbalance, changes are seen in appearance of Jihva like Varna of Jihva, coating of Jihva, wetness (Snigdhata) of Jihva. In these patients, Saam Jihva was seen in all (100%) patients out of 60 patients. Sodium depletion was seen in 32 cases. The main findings in these 32 patients were yellow colour of Jihva were in 18 & partially dry were seen in maximum patients (21). According to Ayurvedic texts, Agnimandhya & Rasa Dhatu Dusti is seen in Atisara Vyadhi. So due to Agnimandhya, digestion of food cant took place properly. Aam Rasa is formed. That will leads to Rasa Dhatu Dusti. Lakshnas of Aam reflects on Jihva of the patient. In modern texts fluid & electrolyte disturbance occurs and in maximum patients there was Na depletion and yellow red colour Jihva seen so we can corelate it with Sama Jihva and partially dryness of Jivha because of Rash Dhatu Dusti in which lakshna is Suskta, rukshta so tongue was dry in that case. Potassium depletion was seen in 18 patients & the main finding in these 18 patients was whitish colour of Jihva and partially dryness was seen in 13 patients. Chloride depletion was seen in 10 cases and Jihva Varna was yellow in maximum patients. Sodium as well as potassium depletion both are seen in 11 patients with partially dryness and both yellow and whitish were seen as a Jihva Varna. So in these observations Jihva Varna is found yellow in sodium & Chloride depletion whereas Jihva Varna is whitish in potassium depletion.
Keywords: Jihva, Atisara, Electrolyte.
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