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*Akshay Joshi and Prof. Dr. Ruta Kadami 


Long term consumption of Viruddhahar leads to Agni mandya and Aamam nirmiti. The Gunas of the latter are similar to those of Visha, hence this Aama can be consideread as Dushivisha over a period of time. Both Viruddhahar and Dushivisha are the Hetu of Vicahrchika which manifests as Kandu, Pidaka, Srava, Shyavata. Chikitsa thus involves Shdhana and Shamana. Considering the prevalence of the disease, a study was planned with an aim to clinically assess the efficiency of Siravedh as Shodhana and Dushivishari Agad as Hetu viparit Shaman Chikitsa on a sample size of 40. Shodhan was preceded by Snehan with Mahatikta Ghruta for 3 days in 30, 60, 90 ml in Arohankrama. Vishvilwadi gutika was used as standard control drug. Dushivishari agad was used as Trial drug Open Randomized Clinical trials were conducted. The patients of Trial group were administered Dushivishari agad and Control group Vishavilwadi gutika daily as per the prescribed dosage schedule i. e. in a 250 mg dose each at Vyanodan Kaal with Koshna jala for 1 Mandal (42 days) There was prevalence of middle age people, male patients and jobholders in the study. Fermented food, excessive Dadhi Sevan, Ati Snigdha, Drava Ahar and also fast food were common type of Viruddhahar consumed. These Amla Rasa Pradhan Dravya initiated Raktadushti, aggravating further to Twakdushti. Bakery products, Chinese dishes and Cold drinks also can be pin pointed as the Hetu of Pitta, Kapha and Raktadushti. The all the symptoms i. e. in Kandu, Pidaka, Shyavata and Srava both groups showed complete reduction but Control group showed better results the Trial group. The objective parameter of E.S.R. recorded a better result in the Trial group to a minimal result in the Control group.

Keywords: Viruddhahar, Dushivisha, Vicharchik, Dushivishari Agad.

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