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Ayesha Sultana* and D. Varun


Controlled drug delivery system has evolved over the last six decades, the second generation 1980-2010 progressed with the development of zero order release systems. The CPOP is extension of Elementary osmotic pumps a new innovation in oral controlled plasma drug delivery avoiding fluctuations in drug concentration offering better drug utilization and patient compliance. Osmotic systems release drugs at constant rate which is reliable. CPOP is sponge like in appearance, the drug after dissolution is released from the core by hydrostatic pressure and diffusion through pores created by dissolution of pore formers in membrane. The hydrostatic pressure is created either by osmotic agent or by drug or a tablet component after water is imbibed across the semi permeable membrane, the membrane after formation of pores is permeable to both water and solutes. This delivery system gained wider acceptance as the drug released is independent of pH, physiological conditions of GIT and spatial controlled pattern over long period of time by osmosis maintaining uniform blood concentration which is important for treatment of various chronic diseases.

Keywords: Controlled drug delivery, Hydrostatic Pressure, Osmotic agent, Osmosis, Semi Permeable Membrane, zero order.

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