Dr. Ruta Kadam, Dr. Dimple*, Dr. Vidya Undale and Dr. Ankita Chavan
Immunity is the defensive mechanism of the body to fight and destroy any disease causing organisms or attributes. An auto immune disease is a condition wherein the cells of the body fail to recognize the body makeup due to severe metabolic disturbances and thus begin to attack themselves resulting in a diseased state. Currently, almost 80 such diseases have been named so far and pose a challenge for medical science Eczema as an auto immune disease is a catarrhal inflammation of the skin especially epidermis and dermis, clinically manifested as acute, sub acute and chronic. Ayurved explains all skin diseases under the aegis of ‘Kushtha’, ‘Visarpa’ and ’Kshudra Kushtha’ wherein predominance of doshas causes variations in symptomatology. Of
these, Kshudra Kushtha has been divided into eleven types one of them being Vicharchika. Here Raktadhatu and Raktavaha srotas are involved resulting manifestations of Twakdushti eg. Srava (exudation/oozing), Shyavta (blackish discolouration), Kandu (pruritis/itching) and Pidaka (vesicle/papule) This paper critically reviews the management of autoimmune eczema wsrt Vicharchika and recommends a line of treatment based on the predominance of doshas which includes Shodhana procedures such as Vaman, Virechana etc.
Keywords: Auto immune diseases, Eczema, Immunity, Kushtha, Vicharchika.
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