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*Dr. Satyadev Khichariya, Dr. Jinesh Kumar Jain and Dr. Swapnil Singhai


Malaria is a protozoal disease transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, caused by minute parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium, which infect human and insect hosts alternatively. Malaria effects mainly poor, underserved and marginalized populations in remote rural areas which are characterized by inadequate control measures and limited access to health care. Higher malaria prevalence has been reported among ethnic and tribal groups living in remote forested and border areas. In Ayurveda, the symptoms, etiopathogenesis of Malaria resembles with Visham Jwara. Treatment includes administration of Shodhan Karma and certain Shaman Yogas. The crude drugs of Bharangyadi prepared in the form of decoctions is found to be useful in treating Vishamjwara, as the active principles contained within them are found to have anti-pyretic, anti-bacterial, anti-emetic, digestive, hepato-protective and laxative properties. Treatment for Malaria is primarily aimed at personal protective measures that prevent mosquitoes from biting and transmitting malaria, chemo-prophylaxis, anti-malarial drug of choice and blood schizonticides are the first-line drugs for the treatment of malaria. This patient was treated with Bharangyadi Kwath. The drug was orally given for one month of duration. This was a pilot trial done on a single case; the results of which cannot be generalized therefore further studies using a rigorous scientific method are needed to determine the safety and efficacy of treatment.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Bharangyadi Kwath, Malaria, Vishamjwara.

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