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R. Santosh Kumar*


Fast-dissolving drug-delivery systems were first developed in the late 1970s as an alternative to tablets, capsules and syrups for pediatric and geriatric patients who experience difficulties swallowing traditional oral solid dosage forms. Fast dissolving films (FDFs) are the most advanced form of oral solid dosage form due to more flexibility and comfort. It improve the efficacy of APIs by dissolving within minute in oral cavity after the contact with less saliva as compared to fast dissolving tablets, without chewing and no need of water for administration. The FDFs place as an alternative in the market due to the consumer’s preference for a fast dissolving product over conventional tablets / capsules. FDFs are very similar to postage stamp in their shape, size and thickness. These films have a potential to deliver the drug systemically through intragastric, sublingual or buccal route of administration and also has been used for local action.FDFs facilitates the rapid absorption in the oral cavity for drugs with low GIT-bioavailability and intensive first-pass effects. This it offers shortening onset time, enhancing bioavailability and reducing the probability of first pass side effect. The current review focuses on the recent development in the fast dissolving film and discusses about its technique for preparation of film as well its evaluation.

Keywords: Fast Dissolving Films, Solvent Casting Method, Hot Melt Extrusion. Disintegration.

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