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Dharmendra Solanki*, Lalit Kushwah, Mohit Motiwale and Vicky Chouhan


Transferosomes is a carrying body for targeted transdermal drug delivery system. This are special types of liposomes, consisting of phosphatidylcholine and an edge activator. This system also takes advantage of phospholipids vesicles as transdermal drug carrier. It penetrate the stratum corneum by either intracellular route or the transcellular route by the generation of “osmotic gradient”. Advantages of Transferosomes are wide range of solubilities, better penetration, biocompatible and biodegradable etc. Advantages of Transferosomes are oxidative degradation, expensive, etc. The transfersomes were formulated by the conventional rotary evaporation sonication method. It contains phospholipids, surfactant and the drug were formulated. Evaluation parameters of transferosome are as Vesicle size distribution and zeta potential, Vesicle morphology, No. of vesicles per cubic mm, Entrapment efficiency, Drug content, Turbidity measurement, Degree of deformability or permeability measurement, Penetration ability, Occlusion effect, Surface charge and charge density, In-vitro drug release, in-vitro Skin permeation Studies, Physical stability. Transferosomes can be applied in controlled release, transportation of large molecules weight compounds, target delivery to peripheral subcutaneous tissues, transdermal immunization etc.

Keywords: Transferosomes, Transdermal drug delivery system, Modified Transferosomes.

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