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Dr. Prabhat Kumar Srivastava*


Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus) has been used in the Indian system of medicine since long time. In Charaka Samhita, it has been included in shirovirechana dravya (drugs which remove doshas of head through nasal route) and indicated in urdhwajatrugata vikaras (diseases occurring above the level of clavicle) like shiroroga (diseases of head), apasmara (epilepsy), pinasa (coryza) etc. Sushruta has mentioned it in the treatment of nadivrana (sinus), bhagandara (fistula in ano), udararoga (abdominal disorders), krimiroga (worm infestation), kustha (skin disorders), prameha (diabetes mellitus) etc. Vagbhata has indicated jyotishmati in the treatment of kapha, krimi, visharoga (entoxication), unmada (insanity), khandostha (cleft lips), palitya (graying of hairs), bhagandara etc. Various nighantus (compendia containing either synonym or synonym and action both of the drugs) have mentioned it in the treatment of vrana (wound or ulcer), visarpa (erysipelas), panduroga (anaemia) etc and given the properties like varnya (complexion promoting), vaamaka (induce vomiting) and medhya (intellect promoting). Nighantu Ratnakara has described the famous formulations like smritisagara rasa in apasmara chikitsa, laghuvisagarbha taila in vatavyadhi, marichyadi taila in vatarakta (gout) and brihanmaricyadi taila in the treatment of kustha which are very much effective in day-to-day practice.

Keywords: Jyotishmati, Staff tree, Celastrus paniculatus, Ayurveda.

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