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*Bob I. A. Mgbeje, Esuabanga M. Asenye, Iwara A. Iwara, Godwin O. Igile, Patrick E. Ebong


Earlier studies had shown the n-hexane fraction of Heinsia crinita to contain phytochemicals known to have antihyperglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant activities suggestive that its may be responsible, at least in part, for the antidiabetic action of the plant. The aim of this study was to establish if indeed the n-hexane fraction had antihyperglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic properties. Thirty (30) albino Wistar rats of both sexes weighing 120-180g were randomly shared into five (5) groups of six animals each. Group 1 and 2 served as the normal control (NC) and diabetic control (DC) respectively and received placebo. Groups 3, 4 and 5 were diabetic treated groups and received 400mg/kg b.w Metformin, 400mg/kg b.w of crude extract (HC-C) and n-hexane fraction (HC-H) of Heinsia crinita respectively. Induction of diabetes resulted in elevated levels of blood glucose and progressive reduction of body weight. Administration of the n-hexane fraction, as with the crude extract and the standard drug Metformin, reversed the diabetes induced hyperglycemia and loss in body weight. Administration of the n-hexane fraction, as with the crude extract and standard drug Metformin, also significantly (p<0.05) lowered the elevated levels of TG, VLDL –C and LDL-C associated with diabetes (DC group) and increased the HDL-C level significantly (p<0.05) compared to DC. However the crude extract and fraction of H. crinita failed to lower the elevated TC level associated with diabetes. The n-hexane fraction, unlike the crude fraction did not lower the LDL-cholesterol level relative to DC. From the result, it can be deduced that n-hexane fraction of Heinsia crinita, as with the crude fraction, has anti-hyperglycemic and to a large extent antihyperlipidemic potentials which can be exploited for management of diabetes and it related complications. Moreover, the n-hexane fraction will be more amenable to standardization than the crude extract.

Keywords: Heinsia crinita; n-hexane fraction; anti-hyperglycemic; antihyperlipidemic; body weight.

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