Dr. Vaishali Dave* and Dr. Sunita S*
Mild to moderate nausea and vomiting are especially common in pregnant women until approximately 16 weeks. In a small proportion of these, however, it is severe and unresponsive to simple dietary modification and antiemetics then it is considered as pathology[1]. Hyperemesis gravidarum is defined variabaly as being sufficiently severe to produse weight loss, dehydration, ketosis, alkalosis from loss of hydrochloric acid and hypokalemia[2]. Even all the classics have mentioned excessive salivation and nausea etc. As symptoms of normal pregnancy. Acharyas have considered pregnancy as acausitive factor for Chardi[3]. And in contemporary science also main causative factor is increase in hCG, estrogen, progesterone, leptin, placental
growth hormone, prolactine, thyroxin and adrenocortical hormones which are raise only during pregnancy[4]. Hyperemesisgravidarum if prolonged or left untreated may leads to sever damage to Maternal as well as fetus, even it is a cause for abortion[5]. And it should be treated by providing agreeable attendance and desired articles as Dauhruda avamanan as one of causative factor[6]. Here a single case study is presented which is diagnosed as Hyperemisis gravidarum and treated with Hrdya, Rochana, Dipana, pachana. And Grahi dravyas.
Keywords: Hyperemesis gravidarum, Garbhini chardi, Hormonal changes, Physiological changes.
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