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Dr. Amrit Godbole* Dr. Sweta and Dr. Abhinav


Ayurveda is mainly concerned in maintaining health of every individual rather than treating the diseases. According to tridosha theory of Ayurveda vata, pitta and kapha regulate the various complex mechanisms going on in every individual. Due to changes in the climate (seasonal changes) the balance of all these three doshas is affected and a particular dosha may get vitiated at a particular period of change in season. To bring the proper balance of these three doshas, Ayurveda advises the use of certain plant and animal products for medicinal purpose & purification methods known as „Panchakarmas‟ i.e. vamana, virechana, basti, nasya and raktamokshana. Prevention can be better understood as the measures taken by an individual prior to the onset of any disease, which will remove the possibility of the disease occurring in the future. Significance of prevention lies in intervening at the pre-pathogenic phase (stage before any disease manifests) of the malady or the health problem. Prevention is a holistic approach and the concept can even be used in the prevention of chronic diseases such as allergic asthama and other allergic conditions, Coronary heart disease, Hypertension, type2 Diabetes mellitus etc based on elimination or modification of the risk factors. The knowledge imparted by Ayurveda can be widely implemented for primary prevention due to its safety and cost-effectiveness. Prevention can be identified with health education and the concept of individual and community responsibility of health.

Keywords: Prevention, Tridosa, Panchakarma, type-2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

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