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A. H. Itam, A. U. Ime* and N. N. Nzekwe


Malaria is a life threatening disease of global concern. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of ACT as a potent remedy for the treatment of malaria. Following treatment with ACTs, several side effects such as neurotoxicity, electrocardiographic abnormalities etc have been reported. In view of this, the study was aimed at investigating electrolyte and body weight changes in malaria infected albino mice treated with selected ACTs (Lumartem, Blofast and Winthrop). Forty eight Albino mice were randomly divided into eight groups (n=6). Group 1 served as positive control and was neither inoculated nor treated with ACT. Group 2 (test group 1) was further subdivided into 2a, 2b, 2c and received different concentrations at 1.4mg/ml, 4.5mg/ml and 3.7mg/ml (based on body weight calculated from the standard dosage of the drug) of Lumartem, Blofast and Winthrop respectively. Group 3 served as negative control and was also inoculated with Plasmodium berghei without treatment. Groups 4-6 (test group 2) were inoculated with P. berghei and treated with similar concentrations of the ACTs as group 2. After administering the treatment daily for three days, blood samples were collected via cardiac puncture for analysis using standard methods. Cl- K- and HCO3- levels were significantly decreased in malaria infected/untreated and malaria uninfected/treated groups when compared to control. However, a much more decrease was seen in malaria infected/untreated group. Na+ was significantly decreased in groups 3 when compared to control and group 4-6. However, no significant difference was observed in all sub-groups of 2 and groups 4-6 when compared with control. This study shows that the oral administration of selected ACTs causes alterations in some serum ion levels which indicate that ACT treatment possibly affects kidney function in Wistar rats and may be implicated in the side effects associated with these drugs.

Keywords: Malaria, Lumartem, Blofast, Winthrop, Artemisinin and electrolytes.

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