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Dr. Suad Y. Alkarib*, Dr. Alkhair A. Khaleel and Dr. Mohamed A. Nurein


Introduction: Gum is a dried exudate from stems and branches of acacia seneglelinnewilldenow and other related African species of acacia Family Leguminosae. It is a safe non toxic material utilized in production of capsule shell compared to the gelatin. Capsule hardness and elasticity are influenced by changes in gum: water: plasticizer ratio. This study described the use of gum Arabic in the manufacturing of capsules, using water and plasticizer to fine-tune the elasticity. Methods: Hand pick gum Arabic grinded and treated by adding purified water and glycerin B.P, polyethylene B.P glycol, sorbitol in a ratio of 5:2:1 per volume in Wafrapharma industry. A flexible sheet was produced from the mucilage to confirm the formula reliability. Then after capsules shells were produced by process of dipping molds in the mucilage and let to dry. Results: The influence of gum: water: plasticizer ratio on capsule formulation showed the difference in ratio of gum solution formula affects the elasticity degree of the sheet. When the quantity of the plasticizer is increased, the ratio of water: plasticizer decreased. Conclusions: gum Arabic is a stable suitable natural material to be used in capsule shell production in Sudan. Both gum solution and plasticizer loading level were found to influence the initial rate of elasticity. Elasticity shown to be controlled by the added quantity of plasticizer.

Keywords: GumArabic, Acacia, Capsule shell and plasticizer.

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