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U. Marcelin*, R. Bharathidasan and L. Prince


The antibacterial activity of Azadirachta indica, Hybanthus enneaspermus, Psidium guajava, Euphorbia hirta, Coccinia indica, Ricinus communis was evaluated against gram negative pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella typhi). These leaves were Anti salmonella activity of some important herbal plants in the Ayurvedic system of traditional medicine used in India to treat enteric diseases was screened. The Aqueous, Methanol and N-Butyl alcohol extracts of six medicinal plants were studied for their antibacterial activity against pathogenic Salmonella typhi. The invitro antibacterial activity was performed by agar well diffusion method and the results are expressed as the average diameter of zone of inhibition of bacterial growth around the well. Of the herbal plants extracts tested. Six plants extracts were found to have antibacterial activity against at least one of the Salmonella strains tested with inhibition zones ranging from 7.5 to 20mm. Three solvent extracts of plants exhibited strong anti-Salmonella activity. The N-Butyl alcohol extracts were found to be more activity than Aqueous and Methanol extracts. Phytochemical analysis gave positive results for Alkaloids, Flavonoids, and Phenols. This study aimed at screening the active components and the antibacterial effects of the Aqueous, Methanol, and N-Butyl alcohol. Leaf extract of Psidium guajava contains pharmacologically active constituents that may be responsible for its activity against. Salmonella typhi. Therefore, the use of Guava plant in our community for treating diverse medical ailments especially infectious diseases is highly justified.

Keywords: Antibacterial and phytochemical analysis of herbal plants in gram negative bacteria.

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