Dr. Anil Kumar* and Dr. Naveeta Agarwal
Most of the theories described in Ayurveda is the applied aspect of the
darshanans. The theories described in Darshna to achieve moksh but in
Ayurveda these theories applied for “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam,
Aturasya vikar prasaman”. The propounders of Darshanas and
described elaborately in their treatise but also found in an epitomised
form in Ayurvedic texts. The following are only few important one.
1. Sapta padartha Siddhanta
2. Paramanu Vada
3. Agni-paka parinama Siddhanta
4. Prakriti purusha Siddhanta
5. Satkarya Vada
6. Loka Purusha samya Siddhanta
7. Purushartha chatushaya Siddhanta
The Applied form of above Siddhant wiil be described in this paper.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Darshana, Panchmahabhuta, Siddhant, Lok Purush Satmya, Dravya, Sat-padarth.
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