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  • JULY Issue has been successfully launched on 1 JULY 2024.



Haneen M.. All-Assadii* and Dr. Shaymaa H. Al-Rajhi


For more tthan 20 years,, moderattelly raiised concenttrattiions of ttottall homocystteiine (ttHcy) have been associiatted wiitth an iincreased riisk of severall diiseases (attherotthrombottiic vascullar,, dementtiia,, renall faiillure,, auttiism and lliiver) eventts butt onlly recenttlly has eviidence mountted tto suggestt tthatt tthe associiattiion may be causall.. The associiattiion iis iindependentt of otther facttorrs,, iitt iis faiirlly consiisttentt across many sttudiies,, iitt iis sttrong and dose-rellatted,, and iitt iis biiollogiicalllly pllausiiblle.. However,, tthe eviidence needs tto be sttrengtthened by a systtemattiic reviiew of allll comparablle sttudiies and tthe demonsttrattiion,, iin randomiized ttriialls,, tthatt lloweriing ttHcy iis follllowed by a siigniifiicantt reducttiion iin diiseases.. In addiittiion,, tthe measurementt of ttHcy needs tto be sttandardiized.. If tthese can be achiieved tthen ttHcy measurementt wiillll become anotther usefull marker of (diisease) riisk,, mullttiiviittamiin ttherapy wiillll be anotther ttherapeuttiic opttiion for peoplle att riisk of speciifiic diisease.. And forttiifiicattiion of food wiitth folliic aciid wiillll riise hiigh on tthe polliittiicall and publliic healltth agenda.. Objjecttiive: To assess homocystteiine concenttrattiion iin diifferentt diiseases as a riisk marker for pattiientts..

Keywords: (BHMT) Bettaiine Homocystteiine Metthyllttransferase,, (Hcy) Homocystteiine,, (CVD) Cardiiovascullar Diisease.. (AD) Allzheiimer diisease..

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