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Vd. Snehal S. Birajdar, Vd. Yashashree V. Joshi* and Vd. Sachin S. Kulkarni


Introduction - KushÅ£ha is a wide spreading disease. KushÅ£ha manifested due to excess consumption of curd will exhibit Kapha-Pitta DÅ«shtÄ« along with Rakta-Māmsa DÅ«shtÄ«. Thus Kledapradhān srāvi KushÅ£ha will be developed. With these views the Scholar has decided to study Hetus of KushÅ£ha in detail to understand the abnormalities developing in ‘Saptadravyās’ of KushÅ£ha. As KushÅ£ha is Santarpaņjanya Vyadhi, Pachan and Sodhan is its baseline treatment. Hence Scholar has selected Abhayadi Yoga. The clinical study is focused on one type of kushtha namely Mandala kushtha in which all main symptoms of kushtha are seen. Methodology - Hetus of Kushá¹­ha have been studied from BrihattrayÄ«, Interpretation of Hetu and Lakshanās of Kushá¹­ha has been done. Patients of Maņdala KushÅ£ha of both sexes having age between 20 yrs. to 60 yrs. has been included. Case paper has been designed according to Hetu & Lakshanas of Kushtha. After pilot study 15gm dose of Abhayadi Yoga, early in the morning for 1 month has been desided. Pathya – Apathya of KushÅ£ha has been advised to each patient. Follow up has been taken on 15th, 30th and 60th day. Results -Abhayādi Yoga is effective in Maṇá¸Âala Kushá¹­ha. Conclusion - Association of Guņa of Hetu plays very important role in samprapti and avastha of Vyādhi. Kushá¹­ha is Agrya in chronic diseases so the treatment has to be Shaman as well as Shodhan which Abhayādi Yoga justifies the above condition. Abhayādi Yoga is effective in Maṇá¸Âala Kushá¹­ha as per this research work.

Keywords: Kushtha, Mandala Kushtha, Abhayadi Yoga.

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