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  • WJPPS Rank with Index Copernicus Value 84.65 due to high reputation at International Level

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  • WJPPS is indexed in Scope Database based on the recommendation of the Content Selection Committee (CSC).



*Shriram Bairagi and M. A. Hameed Sadiq


The cane toad was introduced on the believe that it would act as pest control but it failed to do so and itself became an invasive species. This invasive species is over humiliated but as every coin has two sides it too has another side i.e it can be useful in many ways as its secretion, which is mild poisonous, shows traces of having pharmacological and therapeutic significance. The main concern of this article would be the chief secretion (poison) which the cane toad use as a defense for its own protection, the bufadienolides – cinobufagin and bufalin. The concern is also associated with the cancers-prostate cancer, etc which needs attention for chemoprevention and chemical controls/regulation. These bufadienolides are much satisfactory and could be used as a drug of choice as it possess anticancer properties. Besides their anticancer nature they show diverse effects too which shall be later discussed in this article in detail. 1. Classification Kindom- Animalia Phylum- chordata Class- Amphibia Order- Anura Family – Bufonida Genus – Rhinella Species– R. Marinus.[1,2]

Keywords: The bufadienolides – cinobufagin and bufalin.

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