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Preethika Soanpet*, Samatha. D, Ala Surendra babu, Divya Bharathi and Ram Raj


Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are the most commonly synthesized nanomaterials by green chemistry approach as it is easy to synthesize due to its high reduction potential (1.51 eV) and easy to characterize by observing the ruby red coloration and by the characteristic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of AuNPs (λmax: ~530-550 nm). The primary reason for selecting gold nanoparticles are Biocompatibility nature, High surface area(large amount of drugs can be loaded),Ease of characterization and surface modification(organic molecules can be easily adhered to gold nanoparticle),Easy to synthesize and characterize due to the presence of a characteristic surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) band, No toxic effects. It is worth mentioning that gold and its related compounds have been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times. The medicinal importance of gold has also been explored in modern era involving a wide range of applications of AuNPs such as drug delivery, tumour imaging, cell tracking, anti angiogenic therapy, plasmonic photo thermal therapy etc. This is another important fact for the synthesis of AuNPs through green chemistry approach.

Keywords: Gold Nanoparticle, Synthesis, Green Chemistry, Cancer, Anti angiogenic and photo thermal therapy.

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