*Dr. Priyanka Sharma and
**Dr. Mangalagowri V Rao
Ahara is one of the three pillars or Trayopstambha, on which human body works within physiological limits. Other two pillar are Nidra and Brahamcharya. Ahara considered as nectar in Vedas. According to Ayurveda Matravat Ahara nourishes both body and mind. Matravat Ahara maintains physiological state of Agni, and replenishes the bodily Dhatus also prevents Dhatu Vaishamya. Matravat Ahara in Modern Science emphasizes on balanced diet, which comprises of variety of food groups in such quantities and proportions that the need for energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients is adequately met for maintaining health, vitality and general wellbeing. Hence the study comprising of 100 volunteers was conducted to assess the effect of Matravat Ahara (restricted diet) on status of Agni through Ruchi, Abhyavaharana and Jarana Shakti. The volunteers were advocated to take food to their satisfaction for 14 days followed by intake of food up to 3/4th of one‟s capacity. The subjects were assessed
on the basis of specific proforma including demographic profile, constitutional profiles, clinical profile, Ashtavidha Pariksha, assessment of Sarvagraha Ahara and assessment of Agni status. The study shows an improvement in Agni with significant shift in grades of Ruchi, Abhyvaharana shakti and Jarana Shakti after Matravat Ahara (restricted diet), it was statistically highly significant in all the parameters.
Keywords: Matravat Ahara, Restricted diet, Agni, Abhyvaharana Shakti, Jarana Shakti.
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