Rajendra Mehta*, Raj Kumar Singh Tiwari and Naureen Shaba Khan
Keeping in view the immense importance of seed the present
investigation was carried out to detect the seed mycoflora of six
medicinal plants viz. Abelmoscus moschatus, Bixa orellana, Cassia
hirsuta, Clitoria ternatea, Crotolaria sericea and Dioscoria hispida
and their effect on seed germination. Samples were collected from the
medicinal plant nursery maintained at T.C.B. College of Agriculture
and Research Station Bilaspur, three different categories of seeds Viz.
one year old, two year old and fresh seeds were selected and assessed
by employing Standard seed blotter technique, replicated four times.
Plates were incubated at 22 ± 2ºC for 12 hr light/dark cycle. The
observations were recorded after 5th day of incubation and continued
up to 25th day. The data revealed that Seed borne fungi i.e Curvularia
(7.66), Fusarium (5.22), Aspergillus (6.81) and Phoma (17.46) were predominantly
associated with seeds of different medicinal plant species. However, species Fusarium (5.22)
were associated with maximum per cent of seeds. Among medicinal plant species, Cassia
hirsuta was having minimum seed infestation (5.0) while, seeds of Abelmoscus moschatus
(54.83) and followed by Cliotoria ternatea (51.33) Bixa orellana (47.83), Crotolaria
sericea (41.66) Dioscoria hispida (37.00) Seed germination was greatly influenced by seed
age and varied between species. In some species i.e. Crotolaria sericea, Abelmoscus
moschatus and Dioscoria hispida nearly similar seed germination pattern was seen following
an ascending range 25.66, 23.33 and 21.50 respectively. Maximum germination of seed was observed in Clitoria ternatea (48.50) followed by Cassia hirsute (36.33). However, Bixa orellana(11.66) seed has shown the minimum/ least germination pattern among all the tested plant species. Seed treatment with Carbendazim + Mancozeb was found significantly effective in controlling seed mycoflora and increase in germination per cent.
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Mycoflora, Seed germination, fungicides
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