*Vasanth Kumar Kunitala1, Praveen Kumar Jinka1, Varun Kumar1, Ahamed Kabeer2
1 B·11 , 2nd Floor Sector 65,Nodia - 201301 Uttar Pradesh.
2International drug discovery and clinical research, 8-2-293/82/J/105, plot no 105A, 2nd floor, near syndicate bank, journalist colony, jubilee hills, India.
The article is mainly describing PROC REPORT and TABULATE
procedure in safety reporting analysis. PROC REPORT is a powerful
way to display and analysis the very large clinical trial data.
Information about the patient population, drug dosages, clinical
responses, and adverse events must be clear. Clinical laboratory results
need to be presented within the context of acceptable limits, and subtle
changes over time must be highlighted. It manly used to handle the
Risk Management queries and summary reporting of market drugs to
ensure its Safety details. The REPORT procedure is a single report
writing tool that combines features of these SAS components, PRINT
procedure ability to produce detail report. MEANS procedure and
TABULATE procedure that ability to summarize observations and calculate summary
statistics. Produce cross tabular reports. DATA step ability to use language features such as
functions assignment statements and conditional logic to modify report, calculate new report
items or perform special processing at report breaks.
Mainly the REPORT procedure produces a variety of reports of detail reports based on SAS
datasets, Detail reports bases on report row for every observation in the dataset or a group of
observations in a subset of data. Summary reports have a report row for a group of
observations in the dataset or a group of observations in a subset of data. Detail or summary
reports with summary lines calculated by the procedure and you can request subtotals and
grand totals independently of each other. ODS styles enable you to simply and effectively use
colors and change entire reporting document outlook appearance.
Keywords: TABULATE procedure, proc FORMAT, REPORT procedure, output delivery system styles.
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