Dr. Siddesha Ramappa Malakkanavar*, Dr. G. S. Hadimani and Dr. Akshay R. Shetty
Shirodhara is the process of pouring the liquid over the head. It can beof three types Taila, Ksheera and Takra. If medicated or plain Takra ispoured on the forehead & scalp, it is called as Takradhara. Takrameans buttermilk and Dhara is a stream. The physiological benefits ofTakradhara in Ayurvedic Treatment are very similar to that ofShirodhara. However, the major difference being use of medicatedbuttermilk. Takradhara procedure is found very effective in themanagement of many disorders of Head, Eyes, Ear, Mouth, ChronicCold, Anidra, Diabetic neuropathy, Headache, Psoriasis etc as permany studies. It had Vata Pitta Shamaka property which not onlyreduces stress and tension but also enhances the circulation of brain,improves memory, nourishes the hair on scalp, calms the mind andbody. Takra has Pancha-Rasa except Lavana Rasa, Amla Vipaka,Ushna Virya, and Vata Kaphaghna property. Takra (Buttermilk)contains large amount of lactic acid. It is scientifically proved thatlactic acid is used to moisten and diminish the appearance theconditions like thickened psoriatic scales so very useful in it. ThisDhara also alleviates the derangement of the three doshas andimproves the power of all sensory organs.
Keywords: Takradhara; Dhara; Shirodhara; Manasika Vikara.
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