Pradnya Patil* and Pallavi Kadam
Hrudroga is a broad term dealing with all the structural and functionalabnormalities of hrudaya. In the manifestation of Hrudroga, nidanaplays a vital role such as atiushna guru, kashaya, tikta rasa atisevana,atishrama, abhighata, adhyashana, atiprasanga, vegadharana, andadhika chinta, leading to tridosha prakopa, sthanshmshraya in hrudaya,and does dushana of hrudayagata doshas causing the disease Hrudroga.The term hrudroga covering all the cardiovascular diseases. Accordingto current studies, 17.5 million people die each year fromcardiovascular diseases (CVDs), with an estimated 31% of deathsworldwide. Among them, 7.4 million are due to coronary heart diseaseand 6.7 million are due to stroke; hence, it is needed to discover theeffective drugs that can prevent the death due to CVDs. CongestiveCardiac Failure (CCF) & Ischemic heart diseases (IHD) are the 2 mostcommonly seen diseases which needs out attention. CCF is thecondition where ventricles fail to maintain proper cardiac demands as per requirements ofcells and organs due to decreased force of contraction of myocardium or increased cardiacload, which might present as right ventricular failure, left ventricular failure, or both. IHD isthe heart disease, caused by decreased blood supply to myocardium by obstructed coronaryarteries due to atherosclerosis mainly. Ayurveda, being the ancient science of life, provides arange of formulations that can take care of CVDS without any complications. Prabhakara vatiand Hrudyarnava rasa are two such formulations indicated classically in hrudroga.Prabhakara vati has ingredients like Swarna makshika bhasma, Loha bhasma, Abhrak bhasma, Shuddha Shilajatu, and Arjuna swarasa. All these ingredients having rasayanaproperties, hence it can be indicated in condition like CCF where increasing strength ofmyocardium is crucial. Contradictory to this Hrudyarnava rasa contains ingredients likeTamra bhasma, Shodhita Parada, Shodhita Gandhaka, triphala kwath, and Kakamachiswarasa. In this formulation, most of the drugs have lekhana and karshana properties, hencehelping to remove the atheroma or thrombus and to prevent further progression of disease.
Keywords: Hrudyarnava rasa, Prabhakara vati, CCF, IHD, CVD.
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