Tejaswini K. R. and Sushma Kolekar*
Endometriosis was first described by Carl von Rokitansky in 1860. Endometriosis is the occurrence of ectopic benign endometrialtissue outside the uterine cavity. The prevalence of endometriosisamong women worldwide ranges from 6–10%. Clinically presents with- Dysmenorrhea, Disorders ofmenstruation, Dyspareunia, Dyschezia, Dysuria, Dull ache ofabdomen. It contributes to Infertility. Diagnosis by Gold standard- LAPAROSCOPY and Treatment isdone via Expectant management, Medical, Surgical & Combined. Disease affecting the Garbhasaya and associated reproductivestructures is included under Yonivyapath. Artava dusti is thesymptom of functional and structural abnormality of femalereproductive system. Vitiation of Vata Dosha results in retrograde flow of menstruation and vascular spread ofendometrial tissues. Along with Vata Dosha, pitta and kapha involved in different stages,and presents with cluster of symptoms of Yonivyapad. Diagnosis is made through theclinical signs & symptoms. Chikitsa Siddhanta of Yoni vyapad, Artavadushti, Rakta Pradara, Raktapitta, Gulma andGranthi can be inculcated. Line of management varies from patient to patient.
Keywords: Chocolate cyst, Endometriomas, Artava dushti, Vata dushti, Yonivyapad.
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