Rohit Kasaudhan* (BAMS, MD) and Pradeep Kumar
Background and Objectives: Sneha has a wide range of applicability both externally as well as internally in the treatment of various diseases. Its therapeutic effects are one of the unique features of Ayurveda, Classics have mentioned various formulations with different combination of drugs thus, and providing a wide range of medicines for is selection in various diseases. Since the therapeutic use and applicability of tailas is too extensive and different from each other, its demand to standardize the product and process as well as its analysis is undoubtedly necessary. Though Deepika taila is told by most of the classics, Aachary Sharanagadar has given a beautiful explanation to this formulation in karnashoola. Method: Method selected for deepika taila nirmana, Study carried out in following steps. 1. Resma vastra lepita Devadaru khanda nirmana 2 Devadaru khanda jwalana karma. (Deepika Taila Nirmana) 3. Deepika Taila in samanya Tailanirmanavidhi. Analytical study: The physic- chemical, organoleptic analysis is carried out for the each of the sample. Physicochemical analysis is carried out. Organoleptic characters, Colour, Odour, Taste, Touch, Form. Physico-Chemical Evaluation, Moisture content / Loss on drying, pH value, Rancidity, Specific gravity, Viscosity, Refractive index at 250C, Iodine value, Saponification value, Acid value, Peroxide value, Free fatty acid, Total fatty matter. Interpretation and Conclusion: The clinical study suggests that, the use of Deepika Taila and Deepika Taila samanya taila nirmana vidhi. The Deepika Taila is prepaid in deferent method and Tail is prepaid Taila samanya nirmana vidhi acharya sharangadhara is metioned. Deepika Taila is used in Karna roga as external application markedly Karna srava and Karna shula. Thus, Taila can be safely used in treatment of Karna shula. Further study is essential to know the exact method of action of these drugs in Karnashula etc.
Keywords: Deepika Taila, Deepika Taila (Ignition), Devadaru khanada, Ayurveda.
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