Vd. Kalpana Shankarrao Jojar* and Vd. Vijaykumar U. Gawai
The role of Ayurveda in childcare is precise & rewarding. In Ayurveda, after delivery of the child all the cares like cutting of umbilical cord, cleaning of the body, resuscitation etc. are discussed elaborately in scientific manner under Jatakarma Paricharya. The immune function of breast milk is individualised, also Acharya Kashyap described that good breast-feeding results in good growth, strength, longevity & good health of child as well as not causing any troubles or diseases to child. Immunity is must for child to develop proper growth & healthy wellness. So, for this purpose, immunization with use of Suvarnaprashana or various Lehana-kalpana advised in Ayurveda. Rakshakarma, the measures which aim to protect the newborn baby from various infections. The various drugs mentioned in Dhupana-karma have antiseptic & antimicrobial properties which have been proved experimentally, in various studies in modern era. Inrespect of time, when there will be physical & mental development of the child, constant monitoring & support is necessary. For this purpose, interesting guidelines are provided under the topic Sanskara by Acharya Kashyap. Since the children are undeveloped both physically & mentally so playing objects should always be attractive but at the same time should never get any harmful structure & should made up of Laksha. This advice about the preparation of the Kridanaka (Playing objects) of the children is given by Kashyapacharya. Also, Medhya - Rasayana drugs are known for its psychotropic action in reducing the anxiety, mental fatigue & maladjustment & hence play important role in Shayyamutrata (Enuresis).
Keywords: Jatakarma Paricharya, Breastmilk, Suvarnaprashan, Rakshakarma, Dhupana-karma, Sanskara, Kridanaka, Medhya-rasayana.
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