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  • Updated Version
  • WJPPS introducing updated version of OSTS (online submission and tracking system), which have dedicated control panel for both author and reviewer. Using this control panel author can submit manuscript
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    • WJPPS  Invited to submit your valuable manuscripts for Coming Issue.
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  • New Impact Factor
  • WJPPS Impact Factor has been Increased to 8.025 for Year 2024.

  • SEPTEMBER 2024 Issue has been successfully launched on 1 SEPTEMBER 2024.

  • ICV
  • WJPPS Rank with Index Copernicus Value 84.65 due to high reputation at International Level

  • Scope Indexed
  • WJPPS is indexed in Scope Database based on the recommendation of the Content Selection Committee (CSC).



*Dr. Kiran Bahuguna and Dr. Rosy Gupta


In a world where information is easily accessible and technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it is crucial to preserve and protect traditional knowledge systems that have been passed down through generations. With this objective in mind, the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) was established as a pioneering initiative by the Government of India. The TKDL is a digital repository that documents and digitizes traditional knowledge found in ancient texts and manuscripts, ensuring its accessibility for future generations. By doing so, it aims to prevent the misappropriation and patenting of traditional knowledge, while promoting the integration of traditional systems with modern scientific practices. Traditional knowledge encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including traditional medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and other indigenous systems. This knowledge holds immense value in providing insights into natural remedies, healthcare practices, agriculture, and ecological conservation. However, it is often at risk of being lost due to globalization, urbanization, and the lack of documentation.

Keywords: TKDL, IPR, Biopiracy, Traditional knowledge, Misappropriation.

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