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*Dr. Sudesh Lamoria and Dr. Bhupender Kumar


Introduction: Vaginitis is the infectious disease of vagina which is caused due to various organism that is bacteria,fungus and protozoan. In vaginitis inflammation of vagina is associated with foul smell abnormal vaginal discharge, itching in vulval area and lower abdominal pain. The common types of vaginal infections are vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis. In Ayurveda, female genitalia diseases are explained mainly under the heading of “yonivyapat”. On the basis of involvement of dosha yoni vyapats are Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Paripluta, Upapluta etc. In these kaphaja yonivyapada is associated with thick foul vaginal discharge with itching vulva. Methods: This is a single case study of a 34 years female patient, came with chief complaints of smelly vaginal discharge, itching in vulva associated with lower abdominal pain. So udumbradi taila pichu dharan was carried out for 1 week. Discussion: Yonipichu dharan was carried out with udumbradi taila twice a day for 1 week. Patient got gradual improvement and symptoms are subside and she is cured after 1 week of treatment. She also adviced for follow up after 1 week and also adviced to maintain local hygiene. Result: Patient showed the remarkable improvement in severity of symptoms with udumbaradi taila pichu dharan. Conclusion: The dravya of udumbradi taila is kapha shamaka, stambhaka and having the properties (guna-karma) such as astringent (kashaya rasatmka), antiseptic (roganu-nasaka), wound healing (vrana ropana), Shodhana (purifier) and Vedanasthapak properties. These properties helps in increasing local cell immunity and prevent recurrence of symptoms.

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