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  • SEPTEMBER 2024 Issue has been successfully launched on 1 SEPTEMBER 2024.

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  • WJPPS Rank with Index Copernicus Value 84.65 due to high reputation at International Level

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Ashok K. Patidar*, Vijendra K. Meena and Urmila Meena


In present cenerio there are the need for an alternative drug based on natural sources like plants leaves, bark, roots and other parts of different different trees for Dyslipoproteinemia causes development of coronary artery diseases(CAD), myocardial infarction(MI) and hypertension(HT). An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke.[1] There are twelve plant species, namely, Allium sativum, Aloe vera, viola odorata, Hibiscous rosa sinensis, Ocimum anctum, Dioscoreophyllum cumminsil, Entandrophargma cylindricum, Cinnamomum osmophloeum, Orchis mascula, Coriander sativum, katuk leaves and xylocarpus granatum have been reported for their antidislipidemic activity.

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