Dr. Manish Pamnani*, Dr. A. Rama Murthy and Dr. Sarvesh Kumar Agarwal
Background: Astercantha longifolia Nees. a medicinal herb described as Kokilaksha in Ayurvedic texts due to resemblance of seeds of Kokilaksha (Astercantha longifolia Nees.) to the eyes of Nightingale (a Bird). It is stout, erect and ascending hairy herb which grows throughout India in marshy places.[1] Acharya Shivdutta says “Kokilaksha is that which bears thorns, long leaves and grows in pond”.[2] Aim and Objectives: To explore and describe ayurvedic information of Kokilaksha (Astercantha longifolia Nees.) available in different Samhitas and Nighantu (Ayurvedic lexicons) and present in an appropriate manner. Material and Methods: The classical Ayurvedic review was done from different Samhita’s and Nighantus and the contemporary review was done from Pub med, Google Scholar
other databases and the searching keyword for that was Ayurvedic name with latin name of this drug. Conclusion: Kokilaksha posses Madhura, Tikta rasa, Madhura vipaka and Sheeta virya in ayurvedic properties. It shows Vrishya, Drushtivardhaka, Shothahara, Trishnahara, Balya, Ruchikara, Santarpaka Karma and helpful to treat Shukra daurbalya, Shotha, Daurbalya, Trishna, Aruchi Pittashmari and Netra Vikara.[1]
Keywords: Kokilaksha, Astercantha longifolia Nees. Medicinal herb, Nighantu.
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