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Harsh Shingala, Akshay Rangpariya, Harshit Rupapara, Astha Parmar and Manisha Kotadiya*


Objective: The main objective of the work is to formulate and evaluate poly herbal anti-urolithiatic tablet for medicinal purpose. A number of physicochemical processes, such as super-saturation, nucleation, growth, aggregation, and retention within the kidneys, combine to form the complex process known as urolithiasis. Data from in-vitro, reveals that Phyto therapeutic agents could be useful as either alternative or an adjunct therapy in the management of Urolithiasis. Tribulus terrestris and Ocimum sanctum have been reported to possess anti-urolithiatic property by various folk lore practitioners. Materials and methods: Tribulus terrestris (Fruit), Ocimum sanctum (leaves) were collected from the local area, dried, powdered and extracted with distilled water separately and stored for further use. Tablets were prepared after preformulation studies and tablets were evaluated by using Weight variation, Hardness, Friability, Thickness and Disintegration Time. The in-vitro anti-urolithiatic study of the Tribulus terrestris (Fruit), Ocimum sanctum (leaves) through titrimetric method to check their potential in dissolving calcium oxalate crystals using Neeri as the standard compound. Results and Discussion: Prepared granules by wet granulation method were performed preformulation studies based on the preformulation studies powder flow properties are good and Weight variation (F1&F2) was ± 5% & ± 5%, Hardness (F1&F2) was 3.5 ± 0.43kg/cm2 &3 ± 0.5 kg/cm2, Friability was (F1&F2) 0.34 ± 0.05% & 1.34 ± 0.07%. Thickness was measured as 5 mm and Disintegration time (F1&F2) was 25 ± 0.04min. & 9 ± 0.07 min. are good. The aqueous extract showed relatively equal dissolution of 71 % of stones than the Distilled water extract. Conclusion: Now a day’s Herbal medicines plays major role in the treatment than allopathic medicines because of less toxicity. Tribulus terrestris and Ocimum sanctum distilled water extracts were used to formulate tablets. Based on the results it is clearly concluded that the prepared formulation of poly herbal anti-urolithiatic tablets and evaluations are good.

Keywords: Poly-herbal, Anti-urolithiasis tablet, Tribulus terrestris, Ocimum sanctum, Disintegration time, Friability.

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