Dr. Sonali N. Fulkar*, Dr. Ketkee Nirmal, Dr. Yogesh Patil
Ayurveda is an ancient science of Indian medicine. It offers a holistic approach to health that integrates the mind, body, soul.[1] There are many psychosomatic diseases explained by Ayurveda Acharyas like Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata. They have given the details of aetiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy for diseases in humans. The science of psychotic disorders describes conditions from mild anger to grave mental conditions. Everyone is trying to find out the cure for the inner conflicts affecting the mental health. Ayurveda defines mental health as the combination of tri-danda (satva, atma, sharira), tri-guna, tri-dosha(vata, pitta, kapha), and pancha-
mahabhuta (Aakash, Vayu, Agni, Jala, Prithvi). The balance of these aforesaid elements helps to maintain a good mental state. Yuktivyapashrya, Daiva vyaprashraya and Satvavajaya cikitsa,[2] Aachara Rasayana, Ritucharya, Dinacharya and Yoga therapy are line of treatment for resolving psychotic issues described in Ayurveda. Thus, one can say if the principles explained in ancient ayurveda texts are followed properly, many diseases of present time could be prevented, and a sound state of body and mind could be established.
Keywords: manas, dosha, satvavajaya, satva, rajas, tamas, Sheldon Somatotype, ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph.
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