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Omprakash Manohar Harinkhede*, Shabnam Khan, Ramakant Sharma, Jeevan Patel and Dr. Rakesh Patel


Skin infections result from microbial invasion of the skin. They vary in their etiology, clinical presentation, and severity. Accurate diagnosis is important as these conditions may mimic other cutaneous inflammatory diseases. Fungal infections are amongst the most commonly encountered diseases affecting the skin. Treatment approaches include both topical and oral antifungal agents. The topical route is generally preferred due to the possible side effects of oral medication. Advances in the field of formulation may soon render outdated conventional products such as creams, ointments and gels. The present study was conducted to formulate and evaluate medicated paint of Clotrimazole for topical therapy of severe to moderate fungal infections. Skin infections caused by Candida or dermatophytes have been effectively treated with topical application of clotrimazole. In comparative trials, clotrimazole cream has been as effective as Whitfleld's ointment and tolnaftate in the treatment of dermatophytoses, and as effective as nystatin in cutaneous candidiasis The Paint formulation were prepared by simple mixing and analyzed for non-volatile content, smoothness to flow, drug diffusion studies, drug content estimation, drug content estimation, anti-microbial studies. Among all formulations, paint formulation prepared with 1% Clotrimazole, 5% Nitrocellulose, 1% di-butyl phthalate, 1% Camphor, 10% Acetone and upto 100% Ethyl acetate found to be good for non-volatile content, drug release, drug content estimation and zone of inhibition.

Keywords: Medicated Paint, Topical Infections, Clotrimazole.

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