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*Ayesha Fatima, Amtul Baseer, Sakeena Kaukab Khan, Faiza Rameen, Waqura Sameen and Maimuna Maheen


HIV infection is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which targets the infection fighting CD4 cells, weakening the immune system and rendering it vulnerable to disease. HIV infection is treated with antiretroviral medicines (ARV). ARV medicines do not cure HIV, but they do enhance quality of life and prolong life. Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) is the use of ARV medications to treat HIV. It includes at least three ARV drugs from various classes. ARV, like many other medicines, has mild to severe side effects. Acute pancreatitis, hypersensitivity reactions, lactic acidosis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, hepatomegaly, and lipodystrophy are all severe adverse effects. It is difficult to determine how each medicine contributes to the development of hepatotoxicity in an ART regimen. A 47 year old male patient was admitted to a general medicine department with chief complaints of intermittent high grade fever with chills and rigours accompanied by nocturnal sweats, two episodes of non-bilious vomiting, and a persistent cough with sputum dating back two months. The past history of the patient was found to be HIV-positive 1 month ago and is on antiretroviral therapy (ART) Dolutegravir 50mg, Lamivudine 300mg, Tenofovir Disoprovil Fumarate 300mg, OD PO H/S. The patient also had a prior history of tuberculosis approximately 2 years ago and completed a 6-month ATT course. The patient chews tobacco as well as smokes. A full examination and investigation were conducted and ART-induced Hepatitis with AFI was diagnosed and treated. This Case study creates awareness among healthcare personnel about the diseases connected with the ART regimen, which is the primary stay of therapy in HIV+ patients. HIV patients should be routinely monitored and counselled for the possibility of opportunistic infections, making sure they don't miss doses.

Keywords: HIV, ART, Drug induced hepatitis, ART induced hepatitis, ARV, Antiretroviral drugs.

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