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Krishna M.S., Nandu Suresh, Sabna Sobhanan*, Dr. Malavika H. and Lijo Joseph Thomas


Hypertension is the second leading cause of end stage renal disease, a major risk factor in the progression of CKD after diabetes and the most common comorbidity in CKD. It is an important determinant of CKD progression. Therefore, lowering blood pressure (BP) to recommended targets represents a major task in the management of patients with CKD, to protect against the progression of CKD towards ESKD needing dialysis or transplantation. The aim of the study is to analyze the prescription pattern of antihypertensives in chronic kidney disease patients; a retrospective cohort study. A retrospective cohort study was conducted over a period of 6 months in a tertiary care hospital. A retrospective study was carried out among 100 patients who suffer from CKD with hypertension. There were 66% males with average age of 66.42 years and 34% females with an average age of 65.52 years. In this study, most cases were initially diagnosed at stage V. The highest number of antihypertensives were prescribed in stage V followed by stage IV, III and II. The most prescribed antihypertensives in stage V was Prazosin (18.3%) and Torsemide (14.05%), where as in stage Ⅳ: Torsemide (18.36%), Prazosin(16.32%). In stage III; Torsemide (16.32%), Furosemide (16.32%) and the drug of choice in stage II: Clonidine(20%), Efonidipine(10%). The overall adherence of all the prescriptions to JNC-8 guideline in the study indicates non-compliance in the prescription pattern.

Keywords: CKD-Chronic kidney disease, GFR-Glomerular filtration rate, BP-Blood pressure, ARB-Angiotensin receptor blocker, ACEI-Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, MRD-Medical record department.

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