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Megha M. Muley*, Ashish B. Roge, Pravin N. Muli, Mahavir H Ghante, and Nitin B. Ghiware


There have been a lot of studies done and are still being done in an effort to develop the best medicine delivery mechanism for the human body. The dispensing of medications is a crucial component of medical care. Numerous medications' efficacy is intimately correlated with how they are delivered. Unfortunately, this can make choosing the best drug delivery mechanism quite challenging. In order to maximize therapeutic effectiveness, certain therapies call for the medicine to be given to the patient frequently over an extended period of time or in particular dosages at a time. Patients frequently forget, refuse, or are unable to take their prescriptions. Additionally, some medications are too strong for systemic drug delivery and can have the opposite effect. This results in the invention of a brand-new drug delivery system called Microchips, which may safely distribute a wide range of medications and other therapies through regulated, pulsatile, or continuous release. When designing a successful and efficient drug delivery system of this kind, it is important to take into account factors like biocompatibility, material dependability, drug release technique, and processibility.

Keywords: Controlled, Pulsatile, Continuous release, Drug delivery system, Microchips, Biocompatability.

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